Jun 08 2008

SourceForge.net 2008 Community Choice Awards

Published by João Matos under outras notícias

Já aí estão os Community Choice Awards do Sourceforge.net.


Tal como no ano passado os Community Choice Awards vão premiar os melhores projectos de código aberto nas diversas áreas. as categorias são Best Project, Best Project for the Enterprise, Best Project for Educators, Most Likely to Be the Next $1B Acquisition, Best Project for Multimedia, Best Project for Gamers, Most Likely to Change the World, Best New Project, Most Likely to Be Ambiguously Accused of Patent Violation, Most Likely to Get Users Sued, Best Tool or Utility for SysAdmins, Best Tool or Utility for Developers.

Mais intrigante do que categorias como “Most Likely to Be Ambiguously Accused of Patent Violation, Most Likely to Get Users Sued” é a Microsoft ser o Main Sponsor, coincidências…

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