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Apr 15 2006

Versão 1.0 beta 2 do plugin phpbb para o e107

Publicado por Diogo em notícias livres
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Programas Livres junta-se ao diporg e disponibiliza o plugin phpbb do e107 em versão beta 2. Trata-se de um projecto português. Para quem não sabe e107 é um poderoso cms (sistema de gestão de conteúdos) similar ao famoso mambo. Os mais atentos ja repararam que este cms é o usado por programaslivres.


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16 respostas para “Versão 1.0 beta 2 do plugin phpbb para o e107”

  1. werutzb | 08 Oct 2008 - 2:56 |


    I want to extend my SQL knowledge.
    I red really many SQL books and would like to
    get more about SQL for my work as db2 database manager.

    What would you recommend?


  2. LonaLameddy | 20 Oct 2008 - 5:53 |

    Test message
    Sorry me noob…

  3. Vuseemenlyvem | 28 Nov 2008 - 13:25 |

    Hey im new to the forum

    and would like to contribute


  4. Jadabreerse | 28 Nov 2008 - 15:45 |

    Hello Id Like to get somewhere you this unrivalled talk someone into something !

    How relating to we try something a niggardly clear this without loiter ?

    perchance something like this ?

  5. HeniDiassiday | 04 Dec 2008 - 3:22 |

    I am here at a forum newcomer. Until I read and deal with the forum.
    Let’s learn!

  6. GONSFOEDS | 17 Dec 2008 - 16:18 |


    As a fresh user i just want to say hello to everyone else who uses this bbs :>

  7. MelvinXH | 17 Dec 2008 - 21:17 |

    Hi just off subject . just wanna ask anyone introduce what is the best identity theft prevention out there ?

  8. resLaulse | 22 Dec 2008 - 22:45 |

    Could you please advice a direct phone numbers operator with the bigest country coverage and low price call forwarding to softphone which gives free support number? I need to find the numbers in the India, Canada, Denmark, Israel, China, Luxemburg, Panama, Peru, Thailand, Croatia, Japan.

  9. Anawappealo | 23 Dec 2008 - 10:49 |

    Most peoples says that you need, other that you dont.
    What I have to do?

  10. Neistiamfrets | 23 Dec 2008 - 16:41 |


    As newly registered user i only wanted to say hi to everyone else who uses this site <:-)

  11. Maintyearnery | 28 Dec 2008 - 1:01 |

    hi everyone, i am new to this forum :)

  12. Whorcearo | 22 Jan 2009 - 5:04 |

    Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.
    I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.
    God will appreciate it.

  13. kookimebux | 01 Feb 2009 - 15:47 |

    Hello. And Bye. :)

  14. GregoryMonroe | 12 Feb 2009 - 22:01 |

    How you think, in our situation whis crisis its actual?

  15. AlexStivenson | 15 Feb 2009 - 0:50 |

    How you think, in our situation whis crisis its actual?

  16. Moniboniz | 18 Feb 2009 - 16:06 |

    Hi people… :)

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